What We Do

What We Do

About GCF

GAIA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION (GCF) is a Mumbai-based not-for-profit organization that carries out afforestation projects in the city. Our mission is to combat climate change by planting trees as it has numerous environmental benefits. Removing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is the principal benefit of planting trees. We offer corporates, institutions and individuals an opportunity to offset their carbon footprint by planting trees.
Our team uses technical and scientific methodology through the entire planting process which ensures the longevity of trees planted, maximizing the amount of carbon sequestered.
Vision: Planting Trees will be instrumental in keeping the world below 2-degree warming (the critical threshold defined by the UNFCCC Paris Agreement). At GCF we believe a tree is the best available technology to achieve this target, a simple nature-based solution. It sequesters carbon, doesn’t require fuel, enriches the soil, recharges water, prevents flooding, extremely affordable, a proven track record of millions of years, works in all geographies and makes us happy.

Trees planted
0 tons
Carbon sequestered